Saturday, January 7, 2012

Until Death do we part

Until death do we part! These words have been said many, many times but have not had much meaning to very many. I know my parents did not live up to it in any of their marriages, but that does not mean it does not happen.
Yesterday Grandpa Bob passed away and left his wife of 64 years. Our grandparents have been an inspiration to us all. All me and my wife’s grandparents lived up to those words, until death do we part! It is never easy to lose a loved one but we must find a way to celebrate their life and I have choose to celebrate Grandpa Bob’s by remembering he was married for all those years to the same very strong women, Grandma Fran.

I know that every marriage has its problems and can get pretty tough to hang on to, but our grandparents have shown us that it can be done. They would tell us that it was not always easy but it was always worth the hard work. Grandpa Bob will be missed, in fact I miss all my grandparents but I will always remember them and the fact that they were always together.

I don’t have any less respect for my parents for not making their marriage work and in fact they did a pretty good job with my brother and me even though they were not married to each other. They just give us a different type of family, one that can get pretty busy around the holidays, but not a bad one. I am just proud to say that I have been married for 14 years and would not change a thing.

I look at it this way: If it weren’t for people like my parents then it would not be as important or impressive to see the ones who actually stay married until death do they part. My grandparents were all great inspirations to me and I love them all very much. I lost my last grandpa this past summer and now with grandpa Bob leaving us, it leaves my wife’s two grandmas and they are awesome people to be around.

It is my opinion that although it may be very hard to lose the one you have loved for so long, it should bring a lot of pride knowing you did share your life with someone as long as our grandparents did. So thank you to all of them and to Grandma Laskovich and Grandma Peek we love you and to Grandma and Grandpa Swann and Grandma and Grandpa Bull, and Grandpa Laskovich and Grandpa Peek we miss you.