Tuesday, September 27, 2011


14 years ago today my wife and I got married.  We had a good size wedding with several good friends and family standing up with us.  If was a great day with plenty of sunshine and plenty of friends and family.

On this day 14 years ago, I went golfing in the morning with my dad, brother and several others.  This was a good start and a good way to relax before the big night.  Later when we were at the church, I remember first of all seeing my dad put on a tux!!  He looked great, but I am sure that was the last time I will see that.  Then seeing the ladies milling about in their beautiful dresses started the nerves going a little.  But seeing my little sister was the best at that time, she was adorable.  Of course how could I forget seeing my mom braid my brothers hair, yes I said my brother, that will go down in history.  Every one looked great and relaxed, of course the guys were, they had been taking relaxation medicine for a few hours:)  I know I was getting a little more nervous as the day went on, but I was ready.

When the time came, and I walked out of the back up to the alter I could not believe how many people were there.  The alter was elevated by a stage, and it seemed at the time to be about 10 feet high, actually it was only a few feet but still.  My best man and I stood there watching all the rest of the wedding party come down the aisle with the guys looking good with the beautiful ladies on there arms.  Then came the time for Stacy to come down the aisle and everyone stood and watched my beautiful bride to be come down the aisle and take her spot next to me. I think the stage was shaking a little, because our hands seem to be a little shaky.  Anyway the ceromony went great and no one fell off the stage or alter. And now it was time to party.

After a short ride on the trolly and a couple of stops, (beer run), we managed to get to the reception.  When we walked in I was in all, there must of been 300+ people there, and the sad truth is, I was related to probably 2/3 of them.  Anyway after a good dinner, a couple of long toast, and Granny Peak spending a bunch of money to dance with me, the party was great.  Something like 15 fiths, and 5 kegs were consumed, one hat knocked off, one outragous blue outfit talked about, and a whole lot of fun was had.

We left for Hawaii the next day for a great honeymoon on Maui.  A week later we returned to our little house on the lake to start our new life together.  Now 14 years, 3 houses, 2 great kids, 5 dogs, and a ton of great memories later, were are one happy family.   I can't say it has been an easy smooth road, because as in any marriage there have been some bumps; However we have worked through every situation life has thrown at us, and we have done it together.  We have managed to stay close to several of our friends and their familes threw the years, and we have become  friends with several other great families also. And as I said, we have done this together. 

So my opinion is I have a great wife, great kids, great family, and great friends, and I owe it all to my wife Stacy for being there for the last 14 years, well actually more like 20 but who's counting.  This is one opinion no one can change.

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