Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Volunteer must be a nasty word to some people, because they refuse to do it.  I don't know why they don't, maybe its because they are just greedy, selfish people.  Maybe they think the world owes them something, I just don't know.  What I do know is volunteering is something we all should do.

There are so many ways to volunteer are time for so many great causes we should have no problem giving a little time. My wife and I  have chose to volunteer in our kids soccer program ( one of the few all volunteer programs around here) and help at the school and with the girl scouts and with our friends etc.  Right now I spend a minimum of 10 hours a week volunteering my time and I would not change a thing. I do it because I like to.  Don't get me wrong I have had to say no to some things but when it come to the kids, I just can't.

Sometimes I wish I could do more but I just can't, on the other hand if some others would step up, the rest of us wouldn't have to do more.  I think people just assume youth coaches get paid to be there or troop leaders are paid to do all they do, but they don't.  Those of us who do volunteer are not there to baby sit your kids, we are there to teach them and work with them, and in some instances we are all they have.  So don't take advantage of us volunteers, we do it because we enjoy it, and not because we have to, but because we want to.

So thank you to all who take their time to volunteer.  For those who don't then get off your lazy behinds, off your stupid cell phones, deflate your over size heads and get out there and give some time to your community.  If you choose not to then you best praise those of us who do because without us volunteers a ton of things do not happen.

Like it or not it is just my opinion!!

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