Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Work Place

Where I work is not important for what I am going to talk about, and where I used to work is not important either.  In fact is doesn't matter where any of us work, I know this will apply to all.  What I want to talk about is how some people just seem to think they are better then you.  I guess this would apply to life in general, but lets keep it at work.

It doesn't matter to me what position you are in or what degree you have, you still put your pants on the same way I do.  It comes back to respect!  Just because you have a higher position or a higher degree it does not give the right to treat others with no respect.  We all have a boss and we need to do what is asked of us; however we don't need to be talked down to when we are asked.  I spent 12 plus years in management and I know that I treated the people who worked for me with respect.  I am not saying I didn't have to get on some ones case or do write ups, because I did, but I did it with respect.  I never thought I was better then them, I was just the boss.

I have seen a lot of people go into management and completely change who they are.  They earned the position by working hard, well most of us earned it that way, and just because you are now a boss or manager does not mean you change who you are.  I would say, "don't forget where you came from".

Most of the people I work with now and in the past have been great.  But there are the select few that just tick me off.  The ones who talk to me like I am an idiot are the ones that I am talking about.  I have had several incidents where I have been talked down to and I gave it right back to them.  I don't care if they are supervisors, doctors, store directors, or the owner of a company, you do not have to right to talk down to me or anybody.  You do deserve respect but you still need to give it.   The most successful and most respected people are the ones who actually talk to and listen to the people who work for them or are in a lower position then they are.  I know my success as a manager was because I worked with and listen to the people that work for me. 

Just remember, no matter what position you are in, treat all  people with the respect they deserve and don't talk down to anyone.  You never know who you might work for some day.  What ever happens at work, whom ever talks down to you, stand your ground!  They put their pants on just like you and no one has earned the right to talk down to you. 

At least that is where I stand, but again it is just my opinion.

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