Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Yesterday while driving  there was a van in front of me with a bunch of letters on his back window.  It looked tacky but that is not what caught my eye, it is what it said that got my attention.  It read "I love my country, but don't trust my government."  And that got me thinking.

I believe most of us are proud to say we are Americans but I also believe most don't trust our government.  Its hard to trust them when they are more worried about stopping what the other side is doing. In other words the democrats and the Republicans spend more time telling each other they are wrong and trying to prove it then they do worrying about the people.  Aren't they supposed to be put there by the people for the people?  When is the last time any one in the government actually listened to the people?  I mean real people like you and me, not the lobbyist or mega rich that pay for and get what they want from the government.

How are we supposed to trust them when they keep cutting from schools, public safety etc. but you never hear of them taking a cut.  I understand trying to balance a budget, but maybe if they cut their benefits and took pay cuts then maybe they would get more support from those of us that put them their.  

I know there are some that work in the government that really do try to do good but when it comes down to it, they are going to stay along party lines and do very little compromising.  It does not matter if you are democratic or republican, until there is compromising and working together, we will not get this country back on its feet.  I have heard a lot of people blame Obama for this mess, and I will agree it has not got much better with him but you must remember that this mess started well before him.  Obama is one person, but our government has hundreds of people and Obama needs to be willing to work with them all and they need to work with him.  At this point it does not matter who is the president, until our government shows they can work together for all the people not just the mega rich, I will not trust them.  I want to trust them to do the right thing but there has been very little prof that they will.

Just my opinion, feel free to disagree.

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