Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kids gone away

So both my girls are gone for a few days, not a big deal right?  Well my girls are 10 and 7.  My 10 almost 11 year old has gone to Canada with a friend for 5 days and my 7 year old has gone to girl scout camp for 3 days.  Some of you may think we are crazy to let them do these things and some may agree but either way they are gone.

I do get a little nervous and maybe a little restless when they are gone but I know they will be fine.  I love that they are getting these experiences and as Jayden (the 7 year old) puts it, making memories.  These are things they will always remember and learn from.  As a parent I firmly believe that kids should be able to go and do these type of things without their parents.  We have to let them learn some things on their own and trust that we have taught them well so they can learn and enjoy these times.

I love my girls more then anything, and I want to protect them from danger.  For me part of that protection comes from teaching them and trusting them to go to these camps and trips in controlled environments and letting them learn and live without us controlling the the situation.  I believe if we try and control every situation our kids are in then they will never learn to be independent from us. I don't want my kids to be dependent on us for everything they do, and I sure as heck don't want them afraid to try and do different things.

Anyway I know they are having fun and I know we made the right decision.
But that is just my opinion.

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