Friday, October 28, 2011


So after a six-year hiatus from bowling, I joined a league with my neighbor this year. I was a 200 plus average bowler back then so I just assumed…

Needless to say, after 4 weeks my average was only 176. The strange thing is it didn’t bother me that much. Don’t get me wrong I was not the happiest about it, but at the same time I was ok with it. I have been having a great time at any rate. Even with the high average bowler on our team preaching at me that I needed a different ball or to go get my ball polished. I did have to buy new equipment before I started and I was having trouble controlling the ball I got but I knew the ball was doing what I wanted it too, I just needed to throw it right.

Well this last week things started to come together and I finally hit 600. I started a little slow the first game but finished real well. It is nice to know that I am starting to throw the ball right and that I know my average will keep going up. I don’t know that I will be at or above 200 this year but I know I will be close.

The best part is that I get out of the house once a week (not for soccer) and I am only a couple of miles from home. The guys I am bowling with are a blast and the league seems to be fun as well. The only down falls are that my wrist is hurting a little and they make me drink beer. Ok, that last one may be a stretch.

Anyway I didn’t really miss bowling but I am glad I got back into it. I just hope I can maintain for the whole season and at the very least hold an average in the mid 190’s. I am confident that I can get it up in the 200’s but we will see. So in my opinion getting back into bowling has been a very good decision and I thank my wife for supporting me. She even listens to me when I get home even though she probably doesn’t really care how I bowl, but I tell her anyway.

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