Monday, October 17, 2011


We all like to watch sports on tv or even go to the game and watch. We pay good money when we do go to watch. It does not matter if you watch on the tv or live, you are watching millionaires play a game. Some are making several millions a year some are lower but either way they are making millions just to play a game we all played as kids or still play now.

The problem I have is with the lockouts. The NFL did it now the NBA, and the NHL lost a season a few years ago, and the MLB has in the past also. Right now we are watching the NBA go through it, but why? Same as the recent NFL lockout, we have millionaires fighting with billionaires!!! And I have to side with the owners on this because the players are just that, players. They are getting paid to play a game, to do a job, or what ever, but how can they complain? They can play for one year and make more than most will make in 10 years.

The NBA has cancelled the first two weeks of the season and I hear that will cost Carmello something like $700,000. How am I supposed to feel sorry for him, he can play only two weeks and make more then the averaged person will for 5 years? I am tired of hearing about lockouts, holdouts, or anything that shows how greedy people can be.

The most powerful man in the country, the President makes pennies compared to these athletes. How does that make any sense? Our country is in major debt, our government is taking millions away from schools and hurting my kids education, unemployment is sky high, the average person is living paycheck to paycheck and barley hanging on, and all the while these athletes who are making millions, want to fight about there working conditions. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

So it is my opinion that the players need to shut up and go back to work. Quit arguing about money, and yes when you get right down to it, it is all about money, and go play your game. The average person already can’t afford to go to a game, so why in the hell should we care about you having to play extra games, or having a salary cap, or anything. You are making millions to play a game so go play.

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