Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

I want to wish a Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all this year.

I do say Merry Christmas when I talk about this holiday because I was raised that way and it is my right; however I do wish the rest of you who do not believe in saying Merry Christmas a safe and happy holiday.

This time of the year can be and usually is a very stressful time of the year. Money is tight for many families and yet we do all we can to keep the spirit of Christmas alive. We help where we can and give where we can all in the spirit of Christmas. Most important we do what we can to keep the spirit alive in our kids. Our families may stress us out but that is why they are called family:)And besides, the kids love seeing everyone.

This goes out to all those who enjoy Christmas for what it is. It is a time for magic and believing, giving and receiving, and enjoying the little time we have together. It does not matter what you give or receive all that matters is being there together. Whether it is with friends or family, enjoy them all because you never know.

Merry Christmas to all my family and friends, I love you all.

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