Thursday, December 22, 2011

Our Government, the Joke

I must tell you I am disgusted by our government. I know I have wrote about them in the past but I was just reading about them again and decided to vent a little.

So our government can’t settle on this payroll tax cut deal, you know, this deal that will have very little effect on them but a sizeable effect on millions of regular Americans. They could not come to an agreement yet they left on their holiday vacations, go figure. For those of you who think our government is working for us you must be blind. I don’t care if you are democratic or republican, this is a joke.

If you don’t know what the payroll tax cut involves then you should look it up, because it will affect you one way or another. If you work you will pay more taxes, if you are unemployed you will get no extensions, and Medicare payments to doctors would be slashed. But again this does not affect the one who are making the decisions.

I said this before and I will say it again, our government is a joke, they are supposed to be by the people for the people but all they seem to care about is which side they are on democrats or republicans. It does not matter who the president is because the other side will do everything they can to make him look bad. The other powers in the world must be laughing at us, as they should, we keep putting the same people in office and we just go along with what they say. I think they believe that if they agree on anything the world will come to an end.

Again they are home for the holidays with the job not done while millions of families like mine are struggling to make Christmas great for our kids. Why do they get to take the time off when they can’t get things accomplished? If we did that we would be unemployed!!! When was the last time they took a pay cut, or a slash in benefits? Millions of us have had to do that, and yet we work through the holidays and do what we can to survive and keep our kids blind to what is really going on, all the while they get to go home enjoy the holiday, and still get paid without finishing the job.

In my opinion we all need to write our government and let them know that we are pissed!! I know they have high paid tekies that will probably read this and I hope they pass it along. I hope the powers that be read this and many others just like it and realize that they need to change. I am proud to be an American, but our government right now is a joke. Stop fighting among party lines and actually do something to help our country!!! We deserve and expect that. At least that is my opinion.

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