Thursday, December 15, 2011

White Christmas

Not everyone in this country likes snow or even sees snow, but here in Michigan we expect snow. And right now I would guess that most of us are asking for some.

The Christmas songs, the Christmas specials all seem to have snow involved, so why would anyone not want a white Christmas. Ok, it you don’t celebrate Christmas then you don’t care, but my family and friends want a white Christmas. Right now it is raining, in the middle of December it is raining!! We don’t want rain we want snow.

Now when I say we want snow I don’t mean we want a blizzard or anything stupid like that, just a few inches will do. My dad, TJ and I have already had the 12 plus inches at deer camp so we know better than to ask for too much. If you don’t want snow for Christmas then you must live down south in one of the states that gets none. Not that you wouldn’t like a white Christmas but a lot of you down in those states have never seen a white Christmas and a lot never will.

It is my opinion that we should always

have some snow for Christmas because it just adds that little something extra. Snow makes spending time with family in the warmth of the house fell so right. I don’t know what it is that makes Christmas just a little better with a little snow but I know I am not afraid to ask for it. I will be asking God, Mother Nature, Mother Earth or whoever I need to ask, I just want a little snow for the holiday. So if you are like me then help me wish a blanket of snow to cover our beautiful state this Christmas. But be warned, a little could end up a lot, we are in Michigan.

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