Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

I want to wish a Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all this year.

I do say Merry Christmas when I talk about this holiday because I was raised that way and it is my right; however I do wish the rest of you who do not believe in saying Merry Christmas a safe and happy holiday.

This time of the year can be and usually is a very stressful time of the year. Money is tight for many families and yet we do all we can to keep the spirit of Christmas alive. We help where we can and give where we can all in the spirit of Christmas. Most important we do what we can to keep the spirit alive in our kids. Our families may stress us out but that is why they are called family:)And besides, the kids love seeing everyone.

This goes out to all those who enjoy Christmas for what it is. It is a time for magic and believing, giving and receiving, and enjoying the little time we have together. It does not matter what you give or receive all that matters is being there together. Whether it is with friends or family, enjoy them all because you never know.

Merry Christmas to all my family and friends, I love you all.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Our Government, the Joke

I must tell you I am disgusted by our government. I know I have wrote about them in the past but I was just reading about them again and decided to vent a little.

So our government can’t settle on this payroll tax cut deal, you know, this deal that will have very little effect on them but a sizeable effect on millions of regular Americans. They could not come to an agreement yet they left on their holiday vacations, go figure. For those of you who think our government is working for us you must be blind. I don’t care if you are democratic or republican, this is a joke.

If you don’t know what the payroll tax cut involves then you should look it up, because it will affect you one way or another. If you work you will pay more taxes, if you are unemployed you will get no extensions, and Medicare payments to doctors would be slashed. But again this does not affect the one who are making the decisions.

I said this before and I will say it again, our government is a joke, they are supposed to be by the people for the people but all they seem to care about is which side they are on democrats or republicans. It does not matter who the president is because the other side will do everything they can to make him look bad. The other powers in the world must be laughing at us, as they should, we keep putting the same people in office and we just go along with what they say. I think they believe that if they agree on anything the world will come to an end.

Again they are home for the holidays with the job not done while millions of families like mine are struggling to make Christmas great for our kids. Why do they get to take the time off when they can’t get things accomplished? If we did that we would be unemployed!!! When was the last time they took a pay cut, or a slash in benefits? Millions of us have had to do that, and yet we work through the holidays and do what we can to survive and keep our kids blind to what is really going on, all the while they get to go home enjoy the holiday, and still get paid without finishing the job.

In my opinion we all need to write our government and let them know that we are pissed!! I know they have high paid tekies that will probably read this and I hope they pass it along. I hope the powers that be read this and many others just like it and realize that they need to change. I am proud to be an American, but our government right now is a joke. Stop fighting among party lines and actually do something to help our country!!! We deserve and expect that. At least that is my opinion.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

White Christmas

Not everyone in this country likes snow or even sees snow, but here in Michigan we expect snow. And right now I would guess that most of us are asking for some.

The Christmas songs, the Christmas specials all seem to have snow involved, so why would anyone not want a white Christmas. Ok, it you don’t celebrate Christmas then you don’t care, but my family and friends want a white Christmas. Right now it is raining, in the middle of December it is raining!! We don’t want rain we want snow.

Now when I say we want snow I don’t mean we want a blizzard or anything stupid like that, just a few inches will do. My dad, TJ and I have already had the 12 plus inches at deer camp so we know better than to ask for too much. If you don’t want snow for Christmas then you must live down south in one of the states that gets none. Not that you wouldn’t like a white Christmas but a lot of you down in those states have never seen a white Christmas and a lot never will.

It is my opinion that we should always

have some snow for Christmas because it just adds that little something extra. Snow makes spending time with family in the warmth of the house fell so right. I don’t know what it is that makes Christmas just a little better with a little snow but I know I am not afraid to ask for it. I will be asking God, Mother Nature, Mother Earth or whoever I need to ask, I just want a little snow for the holiday. So if you are like me then help me wish a blanket of snow to cover our beautiful state this Christmas. But be warned, a little could end up a lot, we are in Michigan.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ear tubes

I know many of you have had tubes in your ears or your kids have had them, but have you had to get them removed because they would not fall out? Well that’s what we had to do with Jayden Grace.

The tubes were put in when she was 15 months old and one fell out a long time ago. However the one in her right ear just did not want to come out and it ended up getting a growth over it so we had to take her in. Getting the tubes in was an easy task; in fact we talk about how cute she was in her gown and diaper. Getting the tub taken out at the age of 7¾ brings along some strong emotions.

Jayden did pretty well until we got her back in the room where the nurses were, that is where the tears and the worries started. Although she was pretty strong about it she was not are normal Jaydie Grace, and we could see the definite worry on her face. I managed to get some laughs out of her when I put on the gown, booties and the hat they give you. Of course I let Jayden take a picture and let Stacy post it on facebook.

I was able to go back to the operating room with her to help keep her somewhat relaxed. I was there until she went to sleep, and if you have never been there when your child is being put to sleep with the gas, it is a little nerve raking. They warned me that she would start to move around a little just before she went all the way out, but let me tell you it was more than a little moving. It took two nurses and I to hold her while the other kept the mask on her, it was the craziest thing I have seen. I said after words that it was a good thing I went back and not her mom.

Anyway, after just a short wait the doctor came out and told she did great and her ear was pretty goopy but all clear now. The pager went off just a few minutes later and we got to go back to see her. Needless to say she was happy to see us. She told us that she was a little scarred when she woke up and we were not there, but then she started talking about the bubble gum smelling mask she had on and then she was here. She was pretty funny after words.

So things went great and Jayden is doing fine. I know it was just a minor surgery but in my opinion any time your child is being put under anesthesia it gives you reason for concern. I tried not to worry and trust that the doctors know what they are doing but at the same time it is our jobs as parents to worry about our kids. Hopefully we will only have to worry about the small minor surgeries for our kids and not anything big but whatever live brings our kids we will be there to worry because that is our job. However, my job is too hid as much of the worry as possible because I am supposed to be Big Poppa.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Little Stinker

So my dad, TJ and I took our trip to the UP for our hunting trip, and as I have said before we camp in a tent. We had a good trip with lots of snow and some good times. Unfortunately we came home empty handed but we did come home with a fun story.

The first night up there we went into town to get our water and decided to have dinner while we there. TJ did not eat all of his chicken so he brought the rest back to camp and sat it on the cooler. That night a few minutes after dad shut the generator off and came to bed we heard something rustling around. Dad and I had our flashlights out looking all over the inside of the tent but we did not see anything and now we didn’t hear anything either, so we went to sleep.

The next morning, the day before opening day, we were talking about the noise and trying to figure out what it was. I started looking around and I saw some small tracks in the little bit of snow we had but we didn’t know what made them. I then looked and realized that the chicken was gone, Styrofoam and all!! I did find the container in the woods a little bit later by a hole in the ground but thought nothing of it. We just laughed and made jokes about it.

Fast-forward two nights, and again just a few minutes after the generator went off Dad and I heard a noise again. This time I seen the door flap to our tent moving and I told dad that something was trying to get in. We got up and smacked the flap and slowly opened it. We saw the critter going into the woods across from out tent and Dad said that it looked like a skunk. So we put some coolers and things on the flap to keep the critter out and went back to bed.

A couple hours later I heard something again but this time I am the only one that heard it. I turn on my flashlight and start shinning around the flap and under the table and then finally by the wood burner. That is when I saw it, the little stinker was in out tent!!! I said “oh s#$t its in our tent!” Needless to say dad and TJ both woke up and the reaction from TJ was priceless, I thought he might have pissed himself.

So anyway here we were, three grown men afraid to make any sudden moves because we did not want to get sprayed. I don’t know how it got in but it could not get out. After a few minutes TJ slipped out under the tent and went around to open the door and with some careful noises to scare the skunk he finally went out. The next day we put a rock on its hole and then it snowed about a foot so we did not see it again.

It is my opinion that when on a hunting trip or camping of any kind, don’t leave food out to call in nature. We escaped a what could have been a very bad, very stinky situation and now we are laughing about it.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday

This whole black Friday thing makes people stupid. I will never understand what makes a person take time away from their families to go wait in line at a store for something that you can probably find on line or will be on sale again in a week or two.

We were on our way home from my sister’s house on Thanksgiving night and I was amazed at how many cars were at Walmart. Every one we passed was full. That had me talking and going on about what I was calling dumb ass people. The kicker came when I got off the freeway in Howell by the outlets where bunches more of them people were. As I came around the curve onto 59 a car pulled out in front of me just to get in line before me. Not only did they pull out in front of me, they stopped in the middle of the road. Needless to say I was not going to the outlets and I was slightly P. Oed. about it and as I sat with my front end next to the side of his car waiting, my horn never stopped and of course my finger slipped up.

So now with me going off about these dump ass people again and getting my wife laughing at me, we drove by Target. At this time it was about 10:30p and Target did not open until midnight and people were lined up waiting to get in. This is when I really was calling these people dumb asses. I thought Thanksgiving was about spending time with our families and being thankful for what we have, not going out and waiting in lines to get in the store.

Now I am sorry if you are one of these people and you take offence to this but remember this is my opinion, and yes I would call you a dumb ass to your face. That does not mean I don’t like you it just means for this one day you are a dumb ass. I get the wanting to save a few dollars but I don’t get taking time from the family to do it. Seriously if you look at the stuff you are buying you will be able to find it latter at the same price and it is probable crap in the first place. I do get a kick out of the ones that feel it necessary to get into a fight over some stupid product that will be on sale again later.

Anyway, even after working retail for 17 years I don’t understand the mad rush right after Thanksgiving. I can live with the Friday sales but going out on Thanksgiving or in some cases before, to wait in a line to buy something will never make any since at all to me. Enjoy the holiday and your families, there is plenty of time to shop the rest of the year.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Deer Camp

On Saturday we will be heading up to deer camp, the old school deer camp, the camp that actually involves a tent and camping, the deer camp that has a family history of four generations. And yes the deer camp where we actually go out and hunt.

Deer camp may not be for everyone and it has a different meaning for some, but for my family it is a family tradition that started way back with my Great Grandpa. The thing about our deer camp is that it is in the North West side of the Upper Peninsula and it is in a tent. I have heard the stories of the guys waiting in line for the fairy to get to the U.P. before the bridge was there. I have also heard a ton of stories about a ton of snow and a ton of deer and a ton of B.S., but for the last 20 plus years I have been making and telling my own stories.

When I started going way back when, I went with my Grandpa, Dad, cousins and a couple of Great Uncles. I did not have the pleasure of going up with my Great Grandpa but by the stories told he was a fun man to go with. The last time my grandpa went was about 6 or 7 years ago, when he was 84 or 85 years old. That particular year it was me, my dad Dave, Grandpa Swann, Uncle Harold, Mark and TJ. Mark and Harold went for another year or two after that but now it’s just my dad, TJ, and me. I could go on for hours about all the stories from just the years I have been going but that is for another day.

My Gramps passed away earlier this year at the young age of 91, but he left us with some letters he had been writing for years. Most were about my Grandma but one was about hunting. My cousin Shawn and I read some of these letters at his funeral and I got to read the one about hunting. Gramps says “people don’t know what hunting is about…going to the big ranches having someone put in the spot and you get to pick the biggest buck to shoot is not hunting. Even down in southern Michigan it’s not hunting…. Go up into the big woods of the U.P. and stay in a tent, sleep on the ground in the hay and actually have to hunt for the deer is hunting.” And I will agree with him 100%. But for me it is not just about the deer.

For me it is the drive up, the setting up the tent and cutting the wood and then spending hours out in the middle of nowhere. There are other hunters up there but we don’t see them very often in the woods. You could go for miles and see some amazing things, like a beaver dam that stretches some 200 yard, or a big old porcupine, or a wood pecker that is about a foot tall, etc. We do kill some deer some times, even though I am in a long drought right now but at least I have killed deer up there, which is more then I can so for my Dad. He has been going for 40 plus years and never killed a deer, not for lack of effort but for the lack of luck. Maybe this will be his year.

Whether we bring any deer back or not this trip is something that I hope I can make for many more years. It is my opinion that until you go up and set up camp and walk the big woods on your own, you have not been deer hunting in a true deer camp. Anyway you go I will say good luck to all the hunters this year and be safe.

Friday, October 28, 2011


So after a six-year hiatus from bowling, I joined a league with my neighbor this year. I was a 200 plus average bowler back then so I just assumed…

Needless to say, after 4 weeks my average was only 176. The strange thing is it didn’t bother me that much. Don’t get me wrong I was not the happiest about it, but at the same time I was ok with it. I have been having a great time at any rate. Even with the high average bowler on our team preaching at me that I needed a different ball or to go get my ball polished. I did have to buy new equipment before I started and I was having trouble controlling the ball I got but I knew the ball was doing what I wanted it too, I just needed to throw it right.

Well this last week things started to come together and I finally hit 600. I started a little slow the first game but finished real well. It is nice to know that I am starting to throw the ball right and that I know my average will keep going up. I don’t know that I will be at or above 200 this year but I know I will be close.

The best part is that I get out of the house once a week (not for soccer) and I am only a couple of miles from home. The guys I am bowling with are a blast and the league seems to be fun as well. The only down falls are that my wrist is hurting a little and they make me drink beer. Ok, that last one may be a stretch.

Anyway I didn’t really miss bowling but I am glad I got back into it. I just hope I can maintain for the whole season and at the very least hold an average in the mid 190’s. I am confident that I can get it up in the 200’s but we will see. So in my opinion getting back into bowling has been a very good decision and I thank my wife for supporting me. She even listens to me when I get home even though she probably doesn’t really care how I bowl, but I tell her anyway.

Monday, October 17, 2011


We all like to watch sports on tv or even go to the game and watch. We pay good money when we do go to watch. It does not matter if you watch on the tv or live, you are watching millionaires play a game. Some are making several millions a year some are lower but either way they are making millions just to play a game we all played as kids or still play now.

The problem I have is with the lockouts. The NFL did it now the NBA, and the NHL lost a season a few years ago, and the MLB has in the past also. Right now we are watching the NBA go through it, but why? Same as the recent NFL lockout, we have millionaires fighting with billionaires!!! And I have to side with the owners on this because the players are just that, players. They are getting paid to play a game, to do a job, or what ever, but how can they complain? They can play for one year and make more than most will make in 10 years.

The NBA has cancelled the first two weeks of the season and I hear that will cost Carmello something like $700,000. How am I supposed to feel sorry for him, he can play only two weeks and make more then the averaged person will for 5 years? I am tired of hearing about lockouts, holdouts, or anything that shows how greedy people can be.

The most powerful man in the country, the President makes pennies compared to these athletes. How does that make any sense? Our country is in major debt, our government is taking millions away from schools and hurting my kids education, unemployment is sky high, the average person is living paycheck to paycheck and barley hanging on, and all the while these athletes who are making millions, want to fight about there working conditions. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

So it is my opinion that the players need to shut up and go back to work. Quit arguing about money, and yes when you get right down to it, it is all about money, and go play your game. The average person already can’t afford to go to a game, so why in the hell should we care about you having to play extra games, or having a salary cap, or anything. You are making millions to play a game so go play.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Today I want to talk about a very touchy situation; and that is borrowing money from family and friends. I say this is touchy for a couple of reasons; first just borrowing the money in the first place, second is because this will probably piss off a few people if they read it. But hey maybe it should.

I know we all get in a fix and need some help some times, but I am a firm believer you should not borrow or loan more then $50-$100 to or from friends, period. Nothing you can't pay back within a week or so. Now there are situations when maybe you are going to a game or something and you pick up the tickets, or you pay for a hotel or anything up front, but I still say keep it to a minimum. My main reason for saying this is if for some reason the loan cannot be paid back in a timely manner you risk hurting your friendship. There are of course the friends we call family, and yes I would trust them with a lot more and feel comfortable that I would see the repayment as soon as they could, and I believe this goes in reverse also. I don't think I have ever not paid anyone back.

When it comes to family I know we need to help each other out sometimes. But there is still a line that should not be crossed. We have had to borrow from family a few times to make a house payment or get out of another jam but we have always paid or are in the process of paying every penny back. My mom has bailed us out of a few jams but as soon as I get caught up or get some extra money, we pay her back in full. Now some family you can take longer to pay back because they don't need the money right away, but you still have to pay it back. But as for my mom, she has helped me when she does not have much and we have paid her back when we told her we would. As with most families there are some smaller loans you know will not get paid back but that does not make it right. Some smaller loans like $1000 or so is not the end of the world if I don't get it back but don't just assume I don't want it. But then again this also depends on the family member you are loaning to.

I don't care if you are a close relative like a sister or brother, or just a cousin; don't assume that they are OK with you not paying them back. Now if we are talking in the area of 10-20 thousand dollars or higher you damn well better be paying it back or at least making some kind of nice payments towards it. $100 every few months is not acceptable!! If you made a promise to pay it back when you sell something big like a house or land or anything like that, then honor your word!! Don't go out and buy new things you can live without like a car or a trip or anything!! First of all it is a slap in the face to the family member you borrowed from, and second it makes you look like a self-centered, non-caring person that should be ashamed of themselves.

I will do anything I can for most of my family, but if it’s a lot of money they need and I can help at that time, you better believe I will make damn sure I get it back in a timely fashion. Again I am not worried about small amounts, I know I will get it back sooner or later but large amounts need to have a time table. Yes I have borrowed from my mom, dad, grandparents, sister, and in-laws, but they all have been paid back in full.

So it is my opinion if you are one of those who owe money to a friend or family member and you don't really acknowledge it, and you still seem to have money to buy what you want, or you come into some money and still don't pay, then you need to pull you head out of your ass and wake up!! If you think your family does not care or they don't need the money then think again. Stop being the self-center, non-caring, worries me, fake ass person you are and pay them the money you owe.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


14 years ago today my wife and I got married.  We had a good size wedding with several good friends and family standing up with us.  If was a great day with plenty of sunshine and plenty of friends and family.

On this day 14 years ago, I went golfing in the morning with my dad, brother and several others.  This was a good start and a good way to relax before the big night.  Later when we were at the church, I remember first of all seeing my dad put on a tux!!  He looked great, but I am sure that was the last time I will see that.  Then seeing the ladies milling about in their beautiful dresses started the nerves going a little.  But seeing my little sister was the best at that time, she was adorable.  Of course how could I forget seeing my mom braid my brothers hair, yes I said my brother, that will go down in history.  Every one looked great and relaxed, of course the guys were, they had been taking relaxation medicine for a few hours:)  I know I was getting a little more nervous as the day went on, but I was ready.

When the time came, and I walked out of the back up to the alter I could not believe how many people were there.  The alter was elevated by a stage, and it seemed at the time to be about 10 feet high, actually it was only a few feet but still.  My best man and I stood there watching all the rest of the wedding party come down the aisle with the guys looking good with the beautiful ladies on there arms.  Then came the time for Stacy to come down the aisle and everyone stood and watched my beautiful bride to be come down the aisle and take her spot next to me. I think the stage was shaking a little, because our hands seem to be a little shaky.  Anyway the ceromony went great and no one fell off the stage or alter. And now it was time to party.

After a short ride on the trolly and a couple of stops, (beer run), we managed to get to the reception.  When we walked in I was in all, there must of been 300+ people there, and the sad truth is, I was related to probably 2/3 of them.  Anyway after a good dinner, a couple of long toast, and Granny Peak spending a bunch of money to dance with me, the party was great.  Something like 15 fiths, and 5 kegs were consumed, one hat knocked off, one outragous blue outfit talked about, and a whole lot of fun was had.

We left for Hawaii the next day for a great honeymoon on Maui.  A week later we returned to our little house on the lake to start our new life together.  Now 14 years, 3 houses, 2 great kids, 5 dogs, and a ton of great memories later, were are one happy family.   I can't say it has been an easy smooth road, because as in any marriage there have been some bumps; However we have worked through every situation life has thrown at us, and we have done it together.  We have managed to stay close to several of our friends and their familes threw the years, and we have become  friends with several other great families also. And as I said, we have done this together. 

So my opinion is I have a great wife, great kids, great family, and great friends, and I owe it all to my wife Stacy for being there for the last 14 years, well actually more like 20 but who's counting.  This is one opinion no one can change.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Golf Etiquette

So today a Friend and I went golfing and had good time.  The weather was great and I actually did pretty good. But what I want to talk about is golf etiquette and how some just don't understand or care about it. 

The front nine we were cruising along, talking about who knows what, but having a good time.  Every time we got on the green we would fix our ball marks along with a few others, and of course we would comment of how people just don't care about the course or the etiquette of the game.  Then we come to a sand trap, that my ball just happened to be in, and there had been at least 3 other people in the trap that did not rake it out after they hit.  So we raked it all out and the grounds keeper actually thanked us for doing it.  Now these may be little things, but it is apart of golf to rake the sand or fix your ball mark.  With that being said those things did not really bother me that much.

There were only two of us so we figured we would come up on some people eventually.  That happened on about hole 7 and at first it was not a big deal.  We finish out 7 and then went number 8 which was a par 3.  This is when we started getting a little frustrated.  There were two women in front of us when we got to the tee, and we sat there for 15 minutes watching them.  Now mind you they had already teed off before we drove up to the tee.  Not only could they not hit the ball very well, they did not have a clue about the etiquette of the game.  They would not leave each others side even though their balls were not close to each other. Then when we thought they were on the green the cart was a good 35-40 yards away from the green.  The problem with that is they were both on the green looking at lord knows what, and one of them walked back to the cart to get a club and then back to the green.  Then she puts and misses, she then walks over to the cart to move it and then goes to finish the hole.  Now take your time if you want but when people are waiting then hurry up.  Anyway they finished finally and moved to number 9 so we teed off (2 balls apiece), finished the hole and then had to wait to tee off the next hole because they were just then getting off the tee. 

Our plan was to pass them at the turn but they did not go in the club house long enough for us to do that.  So we figured we would go up behind them on number 10 and they would just let us go, but no, they did not even acknowledge us.  So we went back to the club house and got a drink then back to 10 and we still had to wait.  So we just picked our balls up and skipped the hole.  Most people wouldn't care but the one lady started yelling at us saying we can't do that, but we had already talked to the starter and let him know we would be passing them.   Anyway she pulled up beside us and started yelling so we just ignored her.  We then played through another group ahead of us with no problem, just as it should be.  A few holes later a different starter came up to us because the lady had called and complained and was yelling at him. We told him what we did and said ok, laughed and drove off.  Then another ranger comes up and we told him the same thing and he just chuckled and said have fun.

The point is, if you are going to golf or learn to golf then learn the etiquette of the game also.  Fix your ball marks, rake your sand traps and let faster groups play through.  This is not a new concept, it has been this way for as long as I have been playing and my dad for that matter.  So enjoy the game and respect the game, the courses, and the other people out there.  I am not even going to go into controlling your temper while out there, because my own brother is the worst when it comes to that, but he does fix his ball marks and lets faster players, if there are any, play through. 

If you are a golfer I don't believe you would disagree with my opinion but hey stranger things have happened.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I must be getting old because I am sounding like my dad, but there a lot of stupid drivers out there.  Driving is a privilege and should be treated that way.  The car or vehicle you are driving is a very dangerous machine that does not work by itself, it needs to have competent people to operate them.

I have not always been the best driver, I have been known to go a little fast and not pay attention at times, but not so much anymore.  Maybe I am getting older or maybe it is because I have kids and that has made me more aware of what is going on, whatever the reason I know I am a much better driver then some of the people on the road today.

I don't think people know what a yield sign means or even a stop sign for that matter.  I sure know people don't know how to drive in a round-about, especially the circles of death we have down the road from here. With that being said  I have one thing that drive me crazy when driving and I have been know to yell and or fly a bird or two. That is paying attention to what you are doing.

You are not alone on the road, so pay attention!! Just because you are behind the wheel does not mean you are the only person out there.  For instance when driving down the highway stay in the right lane unless you are passing.  The left lane is for passing and if you are slower than the person behind you then get out of the way;  however if I am in the left lane passing someone, don't get right up on my but, just let finish passing and I will get over.  Even in parking lots, you are not the only one there, in this country we drive on the right side including in parking lots. The next thing, don't pull out in front of people, we should not have to stop when you pull out.  If you do happen to pull out in front then push the gas and get up to speed, we should not have to slow down to a crawl either. 

For me, one of the worst things is the use of cell phones. Now cell phones will be another post all together but for driving I do not like them. Yes I have one and yes I have talked on one and drove, but not for  long periods of time and not very often.  The problem is there are way to many people who can't walk and chew gum yet alone drive and talk on a phone, you just need to put the phone up until you reach your destination or stop to talk.  Now for you  people who are crazy enough to think you can text and drive, you might just as well carry a loaded gun with the safety off, because you are going to kill someone.  There is nothing so important that you have to text about while you are driving; however my kids and my family and friends are important enough for me to yell at you if I see you doing it.  If you are using your phone and you hear someone yell or a horn honk or you see a bird flying your direction, GOOD, you deserved it.

So for your safety and the safety of others pay attention when driving!!  Learn the rules of driving!!  Be courteous when driving!!  Don't drink and drive!! Don't text and drive!!  When you are in the car, the car should be the most important thing to you because an out of control car is just as deadly as that loaded gun.

If you don't like my opinion then you are probably one of those I am talking about, but hey its just my opinion.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Good sportsmanship is something we all should have learned as kids, but it is also something a lot of people don't know anything about.  Well I am going to tell you about one team that knows a little something about it, and they have proof. 

The Hartland Havac Gold U12 girls select soccer team, Ryann's team, is that team.  Not only am I a proud parent, but I am also a very proud assistant coach on this team.  These girls work hard and play hard, however they are learning that soccer is a physical sport.  They get pushed and bumped and knocked down, but never give up.  This was the story a few weeks ago when we played in a tournament up in Midland.  It was the girls first tourny ever and they were out matched for the most part; in fact they did not win a game.  But we could not be more proud of them, because as I said they never gave up.  After every game they made a tunnel for the other team to run though as they cheered "2,4,6,8, who do we apriciate?"  But that is only a small thing they did to show there sportsmanship.

The big thing, the one I and the other coaches and parents are proud of, came in the final game against a very good team from Saginaw, the Saginaw Storm.  They were down in our end pushing toward our goal when one of our defenders stepped up and made a play on the ball.  She kicked the ball and it went directly off the face of one of the girls from the other team and she immediatly went down.  Are girls all stopped in there tracks and went to a knee even though the play was still going and they almost scored.  The girl had to leave the game with a swollen nose and a nose bleed.   The game ended a couple of minutes later and after they all shook hands and did the tunnel, some of our girls went over to the other side line to make sure the girl that got hit was ok.

Some people may say big deal, however for a team of 10 and 11 year old girls to stop a game and worry more about an apponent who got hurt then the game itself, and then to go on their own to the other team to make sure she was ok says a lot. It is nice to see these girls have been taught from their parents and coaches what good sportsmanship is all about.  Not to mention what great all around girls they are in the first place.

Now for the proof of this incident.  The Hartland Soccer Club recieved a letter from the parents of the young lady that was injured.  These parents took the time to send this letter to comend our girls for the sportsmanship they showed toward their daughter.  It is one of those things that makes me as a parent and a coach very proud, and I hope this is something all the girls will remember.  Everyone involved with Hartland Soccer should be proud of these girls.  They represented Hartland Soccer and did it with great sportsmanship.

That is my opinion as a proud father and coach.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Volunteer must be a nasty word to some people, because they refuse to do it.  I don't know why they don't, maybe its because they are just greedy, selfish people.  Maybe they think the world owes them something, I just don't know.  What I do know is volunteering is something we all should do.

There are so many ways to volunteer are time for so many great causes we should have no problem giving a little time. My wife and I  have chose to volunteer in our kids soccer program ( one of the few all volunteer programs around here) and help at the school and with the girl scouts and with our friends etc.  Right now I spend a minimum of 10 hours a week volunteering my time and I would not change a thing. I do it because I like to.  Don't get me wrong I have had to say no to some things but when it come to the kids, I just can't.

Sometimes I wish I could do more but I just can't, on the other hand if some others would step up, the rest of us wouldn't have to do more.  I think people just assume youth coaches get paid to be there or troop leaders are paid to do all they do, but they don't.  Those of us who do volunteer are not there to baby sit your kids, we are there to teach them and work with them, and in some instances we are all they have.  So don't take advantage of us volunteers, we do it because we enjoy it, and not because we have to, but because we want to.

So thank you to all who take their time to volunteer.  For those who don't then get off your lazy behinds, off your stupid cell phones, deflate your over size heads and get out there and give some time to your community.  If you choose not to then you best praise those of us who do because without us volunteers a ton of things do not happen.

Like it or not it is just my opinion!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Work Place

Where I work is not important for what I am going to talk about, and where I used to work is not important either.  In fact is doesn't matter where any of us work, I know this will apply to all.  What I want to talk about is how some people just seem to think they are better then you.  I guess this would apply to life in general, but lets keep it at work.

It doesn't matter to me what position you are in or what degree you have, you still put your pants on the same way I do.  It comes back to respect!  Just because you have a higher position or a higher degree it does not give the right to treat others with no respect.  We all have a boss and we need to do what is asked of us; however we don't need to be talked down to when we are asked.  I spent 12 plus years in management and I know that I treated the people who worked for me with respect.  I am not saying I didn't have to get on some ones case or do write ups, because I did, but I did it with respect.  I never thought I was better then them, I was just the boss.

I have seen a lot of people go into management and completely change who they are.  They earned the position by working hard, well most of us earned it that way, and just because you are now a boss or manager does not mean you change who you are.  I would say, "don't forget where you came from".

Most of the people I work with now and in the past have been great.  But there are the select few that just tick me off.  The ones who talk to me like I am an idiot are the ones that I am talking about.  I have had several incidents where I have been talked down to and I gave it right back to them.  I don't care if they are supervisors, doctors, store directors, or the owner of a company, you do not have to right to talk down to me or anybody.  You do deserve respect but you still need to give it.   The most successful and most respected people are the ones who actually talk to and listen to the people who work for them or are in a lower position then they are.  I know my success as a manager was because I worked with and listen to the people that work for me. 

Just remember, no matter what position you are in, treat all  people with the respect they deserve and don't talk down to anyone.  You never know who you might work for some day.  What ever happens at work, whom ever talks down to you, stand your ground!  They put their pants on just like you and no one has earned the right to talk down to you. 

At least that is where I stand, but again it is just my opinion.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Yesterday while driving  there was a van in front of me with a bunch of letters on his back window.  It looked tacky but that is not what caught my eye, it is what it said that got my attention.  It read "I love my country, but don't trust my government."  And that got me thinking.

I believe most of us are proud to say we are Americans but I also believe most don't trust our government.  Its hard to trust them when they are more worried about stopping what the other side is doing. In other words the democrats and the Republicans spend more time telling each other they are wrong and trying to prove it then they do worrying about the people.  Aren't they supposed to be put there by the people for the people?  When is the last time any one in the government actually listened to the people?  I mean real people like you and me, not the lobbyist or mega rich that pay for and get what they want from the government.

How are we supposed to trust them when they keep cutting from schools, public safety etc. but you never hear of them taking a cut.  I understand trying to balance a budget, but maybe if they cut their benefits and took pay cuts then maybe they would get more support from those of us that put them their.  

I know there are some that work in the government that really do try to do good but when it comes down to it, they are going to stay along party lines and do very little compromising.  It does not matter if you are democratic or republican, until there is compromising and working together, we will not get this country back on its feet.  I have heard a lot of people blame Obama for this mess, and I will agree it has not got much better with him but you must remember that this mess started well before him.  Obama is one person, but our government has hundreds of people and Obama needs to be willing to work with them all and they need to work with him.  At this point it does not matter who is the president, until our government shows they can work together for all the people not just the mega rich, I will not trust them.  I want to trust them to do the right thing but there has been very little prof that they will.

Just my opinion, feel free to disagree.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I just want to have some fun and talk about my favorite pizza today.   Now there are not to many pizzas that I don't like, but we all know some are better then others.  Around here in Brighton there are several pizza places, and I guess our favorite is probably Jets.  But that is not my favorite of all time. 

We have been to Chicago and ate there pizza and it was great but not my consistent favorite, not the one I like to go get when I am around.  The pizza I am talking about has been around since I was a kid and has not changed in all those years.  The main place we would get it was in my home town on 5th street in Michigan Center.  Those of you from Jackson Mi. know exactly what I am talking about, Andy's pizza.

We were in town yesterday visiting family and we decided to stop and have some Andy's, and I am now eating the left overs.  Those who eat Andy's pizza know there are always left overs.  You don't need two large pizzas for a family of four, you only need one Andy's pizza.  I don't know what it is, maybe its the crust, or the sauce, or the cheese.  Or maybe its the amount of toppings you get, but man do I love this pizza.  

I work with a guy that hunts in Jackson and a couple of years ago I introduced him to this wonderful pizza and now he gets one every time he is in Jackson.  I am just saying that Andy's has always been a great pizza and as far as I know have never changed.  If you don't know what to order then just get the special and call it good.

But don't take my opinion on it, go try some.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Everybody has friends, at least I would hope they do.  We all have people you can say oh yea, that's a friend of mine, but do you all have the friends that you would call family?  We do!!
We have friends we call simply a friend; then we have friends we would call good friends; then we have the friends we call family. Whats the difference?  Well in my book a simple friend is someone you know and or work with, you talk to each other when your around but you don't go out of your way to see. A good friend is someone you are close to and can count on, but you don't necessarily have to keep in contact with; however you know they would do most anything for you.

Now the friends we call family are in my book some of the most important to have.  You need all different kinds of friends but these ones mean the most.  These friends are always involved in your life weather you have known them for 20 plus years or just a few.  It does not matter where they are from or what they do, they are just special people that just seem to fit into your life.  We are very fortunate to have several families that fall into this category and we love them all.  It does not matter if we see them everyday or week or month, just as long as we can see them and be a part of each others life.

Again all of us have friends most of us have good friend, but I don't believe everyone has the true family friend.  Like I said we have friends that are family, but we do have family that are our friends(My wife is my best friend).  I say that because like most we have family that are not friends, in fact we could care less about seeing them. But I will not go into that today.   Bottom line for me is you need to be thankful for all friends and treasure what I call FAMILY. 

We will have friend that go from just that, a friend, to a good friend to family. And for some it happens fairly quickly.  However it could go the other way also.  For now I just want to say thank you to all my friends, and to my FAMILY, I love you all.

You don't have to agree, its just my opinion..

Friday, August 12, 2011


I was not going to post tonight but I just had a conversation that got me, well, a little worked up.  I need to talk about respect!  Everyone wants people to respect them, but not everyone gives respect.  This is common in all walks of life, from work to play. 

But I need to talk respect among family!!  How can anyone not respect their elders, or parents, or care takers?  Let me tell you how; the elders, or parents, or care takers don't give respect.  Now in my immediate family there is a lot of respect;  I respect my parents, siblings, kids, and definitely my wife and I get that respect back.  Don't get me wrong we have our disagreements and heated discussions, but in the end its all good.  However there are families out there who don't have the respect for each other.  Parents or grandparents wonder why they don't get the respect they deserve from their kids or grandkids.  That would be a good question for some families but for others it is plain as day; when you do nothing but yell and criticize and degrade your kids or grandkids and even physically abuse them, you are not going to get a good result.  I don't condone kids striking a parent or grandparent but sooner or later if all the kids get is the yelling, criticism, degrading and physical abuse, they are going to boil over.

There are some overall good kids that have not have the chance to bloom because of the way they have been raised.  The sad thing is the kids will be affected for the rest of their life, but hopefully, by some small miracle they will turn their lives around and be better parents then their own are.

The bottom line is you get what you deserve.  If you don't give the respect you will not get it back.  You treat people like they are no good, they are going to be that way to you.  Don't be surprised when they strike back and treat you the way you treat them.  You hit them and sooner or later they will hit back. And guess what, it is you fault, you got what you deserve.

Treat your kids with respect!  You can teach and discipline your kids and still show them respect.  Your kids are your future, and they are your family; if you continue to treat your family with no respect then one day you will be a lonely grumpy old person that no one cares about.
But hey, that's just my opinion.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kids gone away

So both my girls are gone for a few days, not a big deal right?  Well my girls are 10 and 7.  My 10 almost 11 year old has gone to Canada with a friend for 5 days and my 7 year old has gone to girl scout camp for 3 days.  Some of you may think we are crazy to let them do these things and some may agree but either way they are gone.

I do get a little nervous and maybe a little restless when they are gone but I know they will be fine.  I love that they are getting these experiences and as Jayden (the 7 year old) puts it, making memories.  These are things they will always remember and learn from.  As a parent I firmly believe that kids should be able to go and do these type of things without their parents.  We have to let them learn some things on their own and trust that we have taught them well so they can learn and enjoy these times.

I love my girls more then anything, and I want to protect them from danger.  For me part of that protection comes from teaching them and trusting them to go to these camps and trips in controlled environments and letting them learn and live without us controlling the the situation.  I believe if we try and control every situation our kids are in then they will never learn to be independent from us. I don't want my kids to be dependent on us for everything they do, and I sure as heck don't want them afraid to try and do different things.

Anyway I know they are having fun and I know we made the right decision.
But that is just my opinion.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First Post

This is my first post to my blog so I will start with something simple and fun.  Lets talk vacations.  Everyone likes them and many actually take them; however what I find interesting is the people that take vacations all over the country and world, but have not even seen their own state.  Now I like to see other places in the country but I have come to love Michigan. 

There are many Michiganders that have never been across the "Bridge" and that is a shame.  I spend two weeks a year above the bridge and love every minute of it.  We are about to head for Drummond Island for a week with several other families.  This has become an annual event and my kids look forward to it all year long.  This is one of the many beautiful places right here in our state.

Don't get me wrong, there are many places I want to see before I die, but I am here to say that our state is a beautiful one.  If you have not taken the time to see the wonderful sights in this state then you should.  Next time you have a vacation take the time to experience this state and cross the bridge into God's country, but treat it well, its one of the last places you can go and see nature at work.

But remember this is just my opinion.